Many times, I save files on the desktop so that I can find them a bit more conveniently. And if I forget to clean them up in time, they pile up and clutter the entire screen. Luckily, I’ve put together some easy-to-use tricks to hide desktop icons on Mac to get rid of the mess immediately. Let’s give them a try!

How to hide desktop icons on Mac using Terminal Use HiddenMe to hide desktop icons on Mac Delete icons from a Mac desktop using Stacks

How to hide desktop icons on Mac using Terminal

Don’t worry, they’re just hidden and you can still find them under Finder → Desktop section. However, if you ever want to show them on the desktop again, simply enter the following command: defaults write CreateDesktop -bool true; killall Finder

Use HiddenMe to hide desktop icons on Mac

If you’d rather hide your desktop icons without using Terminal, there’s an app called HiddenMe that lets you quickly do so. Moreover, it’s available for free and works like a native feature on Mac. Note: If you ever want to remove the HiddenMe icon from the menu bar, click on it and select Quit.

Delete icons from a Mac desktop using Stacks

Apple introduced a new Stacks feature in macOS Mojave that lets users keep the desktop neat and clean. So, how does this feature work? Well, it basically organizes all the files into file types and then places them on the right edge of the screen. However, you have the option to stack them based on date added, date modified, and more. To use it, right-click on the View menu and select Use Stacks. To sort or group stacks based on your preference, right-click on the desktop and then select Sort stacks by/Group stacks → choose the preferred option.

Workaround: The old-fashioned way of cleaning up the mess

It’s the old-fashioned way of clearing out the mess. And you probably already know about it. Just drag the icons from the desktop to another folder for removal. Alternatively, you can drag the unwanted icons to Trash to remove them. Hopefully, one of the tricks helped to hide the desktop icons on your Mac and cut down on clutter. Let us know your feedback in the comments. We’ll do our best to help you out! You would like to refer these posts as well:

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